Why 3?
ideas and inspiration for art making at home: general resources
The Kids Create Change blog has lots of ideas for art making with kids at home! You'll also find sources for addressing difficult emotions in creative ways and engaging kids and families in art making activities that can encourage conversation about difficult or challenging topics.
Check out our recent posts!
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Check out our art-based resources for kids and families organized according to age! You'll find creative inspiration, how-to videos, links to art projects, art blogs, and ideas for art making at home!​
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why art?
Making art is a great way to keep you and your kids busy this summer! Making, viewing and sharing art together can also help adults address some of the difficult questions and emotions surrounding the pandemic and the acts of racism, violence and protesting that young people may be having difficulty understanding or talking about.
This site offers suggestions for engaging kids and families in conversation about challenging topics in creative ways. It's also filled with ideas for how young people can advocate for change in their community using art, and lots of inspiration for art making that is just FUN!
NO you don't have to consider yourself an artist!
NO you don't need to have special art materials!
NO you don't have to go anywhere other than where you are to make use of these resources!
Check out this video by artist Sarah Urist Green on why she thinks everyone is an artist and anyone can engage in art making. We agree!
She talks about her book in the video but you don't need the book to make art. In other words, we're not promoting her book (although we're sure it's great), but we are promoting her message! We've included a couple of her art making ideas on our teen page and here's a link to her PBS series "The Art Assignment" which has lots of videos filled with art making ideas for kids and adults!
Arts engagement can happen at home, in the community, and even across the world! You'll find some examples below of art ideas and inspiration in all three areas. More resources can be found by age on our babies and toddlers, school-age, and teens pages so check them out too!
Connecting Through Art at Home
Check out these links to ideas for art making projects you can do at home! For many more age-specific ideas see our babies and toddlers, school-age, and teens pages.
Art Making at Home - Babies & Toddlers
Art Making Using Household Materials - Big Kids
Art Making Using Household Materials - Little Kids
Recycled and Upcycled Projects
Digital Art with Smart Phones, Tablets and Computers
Art Inspired by Children’s Authors, Artists and Illustrators

Connecting with Art in Your Community
See what our city, local artists, and arts organizations are offering!
'The Arts in Evanston' Documentary
Evanston Public Art - Map
Evanston Art Connects - Map

Connecting with Others Around the World Through Art
Explore the ways that people around the world are using creativity to express themselves and connect with each other!