Why 3?
resources for talking with kids about covid-19
We believe it is necessary to talk about what is happening in regard to the pandemic with the children in our care in developmentally informed ways. The recent unprecedented situation and subsequent grief and loss they may be experiencing due to significant changes in their lives, potential loss of childhood milestones, fear of and/or experience of illness and death within their families are realities our children, and we, may need support to navigate. We've collected a wealth of resources to help adults educate themselves about how to engage with young people about the global pandemic, including information presented for a variety of ages, interviews with medical professionals who answer kids' questions about the novel coronavirus and covid-19, videos with familiar characters discussing what kids need to know and booklists to support these conversations. Importantly, while there are many aspects of this crisis which are scary, when you have more information in order to understand what is happening it is possible to also be brave and safe in this time. The resources here are not exhaustive, but we hope this will be useful to you in supporting the children in your care. We will continue to revise this space to offer the most current information as this situation changes. ​
where to start: how can i talk with children about the pandemic and covid-19?
Talk with Children about Coronavirus Disease 2019
How to Talk to Your Kids about Covid-19
How to Talk to Children About the Coronavirus
How to Talk to Your Kids About COVID-19
psychology today.com
10 Tips for Talking about Covid-19 with Your Kids
How To Care For Your Kids' Mental Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic
How to Cope With Anxiety About Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Videos: Six Part CNN/Sesame Street Coronavirus Town Hall
To Watch the Entire Series Click Here

Big Bird's Advice to Kids During Coronavirus Pandemic | Sesame Street
Coronavirus: How to Teach Kids About COVID-19 | BrainPOP
Coronavirus Experiment: How to See Germs Spread
Children called into “The Daily” with a lot of questions about the coronavirus: How did the virus get on earth? What color is coronavirus? And can dogs get it? So they tried to answer them.
Guest: Carl Zimmer, science reporter and author of the “Matter” column for The New York Times.
For more information on this episode, visit The Daily from The New York Times here.
The Daily: A Kids’ Guide to Coronavirus
This link give you access to free ebooks for kids about coronavirus and the pandemic and some of them are available in up to 30 languages! Check out the link and see two of the books from this collection below.
Free eBooks in multiple languages for children about the Coronavirus / COVID-19
Piggy & Bunny and the Stay-at-Home Plan
by Holly Sedgwick Belgum
Guerreros de la Salud Contra el Coronavirus
Autor: Betweien, Lda. | Textos: Helena Costa | Ilustración: Rita Amorim
The Emory Global Health Institute held a competition for a children's ebook about the pandemic.​ Below are links to the winning book and the stories that got honorable mentions. Click on each book to read it for free.
Winning COVID-19 Children’s Books Address Facts, Emotions Surrounding Pandemic
art and art making during the time of stay-at-home orders, quarantines and social-distancing
Art can be helpful in so many ways when we're facing stay-at-home orders and social distancing. For many it is a welcome distraction or productive activity to knit, sew, draw or paint. Some find looking at and making art relaxing or meditative. For young children it can be a way to express the many different feelings that are natural reaction to the outcomes of the pandemic such as anxiety, fear, loss, grief, disappointment and uncertainty. Art can also be a tool for parents to use when talking to kids about the pandemic and the Coronavirus. There are many books and videos that explain what it is and what we need to do to take care of ourselves and others, but drawing an picture with crayons or making a sculpture out of play-doh can also give adults a way to ask questions and see where the child is at with their understanding or knowledge of the situation. Kids Create Change's Angela Lyonsmith wrote an awesome blog post about 'spark charts' entitled "what we know about..." that is a great example of an art-based activity that can promote conversation through creative interaction. Check out the post here!
Stressed Out? Art Can Help Us Get through the Coronavirus Pandemic
Here's the Art that Students Have Been Making During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Artists Find Ways to Help Families get through Coronavirus Pandemic
Artists Paint A Portrait Of A Pandemic - Public Art and Activism
Kids' Coronavirus Art Reveals How They're Processing the COVID-19 Pandemic
Quarantine Projects Curate Pandemic-Inspired Art
Coronavirus Murals: Inside the World of Pandemic-Inspired Street Art
How 9 Artists Are Living and Creating During Self-Isolation

Check out the list of activities, advice and articles created by Kids for Peace.
Click here for this great resource!
Art can take on many different forms and be used in many different ways. Here are a few examples of how people are using art for a bit of fun and humor, as well as a way to make connections in a time when we are seemingly cut off from our community and many of the people in our lives.
Check out Stefanie Trilling's whimsical artwork on her facebook page @strilling. She has a wonderful collection of children's book covers that she parodies using beautiful illustrations as a way to talk to her kids about coronavirus and the pandemic.

Here in Evanston, the city got together to turn it's neighborhoods, streets, storefronts and parks into a city-wide gallery! Check out the video above and the images below to see the art that Evanstonians made as a way to connect with each other and bring the community together.
The Evanston Community Art Movement During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Maybe you've seen some of the art that has been cropping up all over town. From front door messages for delivery people and mailbox signs for postal workers, to large-scale banners on porches and storefronts, thanking front line workers, and lawns and trees wishing friends and family happy birthday, and congratulatory signs for our graduates... It's been a beautiful, creative, organic expression of community!
Rainbows and Covid-19
Many of the images found throughout the city of Evanston are in the form of rainbows. Check out how many are in the photos here!
The rainbow has taken on a special meaning during the Coronavirus pandemic all across the world. See how and where the rainbow is being used as a symbol of hope, and connecting communities and people in different countries.
How Rainbows are Helping People Across the World Get Through Social Distancing
Coronavirus: The Reason Kids Are Putting Rainbows in Their Windows
Check out this slideshow of rainbow drawings found in countries all over the world spreading hope during the coronavirus pandemic!
See some of the images below and click here for the full slideshow

Lisbon, Portugal

Saxony, Germany

Rome, Italy

Rainbows Bring Hope to Kids in NYC Coronavirus Lockdown
Kids Stories: Rainbows in Windows with Donald Sutherland